The following article was written by Jeremy Bland, who is a researcher in the regional department of clinical neurophysiology, Kent and Canterbury Hospital, Ethelbert Road, Canterbury, England, CT1 3NG. His Internet email address is: He warns that some of his opinions may be 'inflammatory in surgical circles'. ---------- TITLE: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome It seems that this condition may be of interest to people who think they have RSI too so here is a message devoted purely to CTS. The human body is built in such a way that several major nerves occupy anatomical sites where they are especially vulnerable to wear and tear. This applies even in people who only indulge in everyday activities of daily living but, predictably, it is these sites where one most commonly sees nerve damage due to extraordinary activities. The group of conditions resulting from damage to nerves at these sites are generically known as 'nerve entrapment syndromes' and there are about 5 that are common enough that every GP should know about them (I can think of at least another dozen offhand). The term 'entrapment' is not really appropriate for all of them as some of them seem to result from repeated stretching trauma or abrasion but the commonest of the lot is CTS and in this case the major mechnical process does indeed seem to be compression. CTS is _very_ common, the incidence in my area is about 1/500 people per annum. ie the average GP can expect to see 3 or 4 new cases each year and at any one time will have several cases on his/her list as it can be a lengthy illness. ANATOMY + PATHOLOGY If you examine the wrist you will see that it has essentially a bony core with many 'stringy' structures lying against the surfaces corresponding to the back of the hand(dorsal surface) and the palm of the hand (palmar surface). If you take a closer look at the palmar surface and tense the forearm muscles you will see a prominent bunch of tendons roughly in the middle. Either side of these you can feel the pulsations of the two major arteries supplying the hand which also lie on this side. What you are unlikely to feel/see unless you have a very skinny wrist are any nerves. There are however 2 major nerves on this side of the wrist too. Looking at your own right hand, palm up, there is a groove to left of the bunch of tendons. The 'ulnar' nerve lies more or less in this groove and provides sensation to the adjacent border of the hand, the little finger and one half of the ring finger. It also carries motor signals to most of the small muscles found in the body of the hand. The other main nerve is more deeply buried and lies among/beneath the bunch of tendons. It is called the 'median' nerve and supplies sensation to the remaining fingers and thumb and motor control to (usually) four small muscles at the base of the thumb which collectively form the fleshy pad at the thumb base which is caled the 'thenar eminence'. Power grip is not achieved by muscles in the hand. The major flexors (the movement involved in gripping) of the fingers and wrist are in fact muscles in the forearm. They are attached at their upper ends, mostly just below the elbow and at their lower (distal) ends, form the tendons which we have been looking at. These tendons in turn are attached to the fingers etc and transmit the contraction of the muscle in the forearm to the bones of the hand. A little thought at this point about mechanics will reveal the existence of a further important structure. If you flex the wrist and then bend the fingers, the mechanical system I have just described would have the tendons to the fingers strung accross the direct line from elbow to finger like a bow-string. Something must be holding them down at the wrist! The structure that does this is called the flexor retinaculum and is a tough fibrous band running transversely accross the wrist just beyond he two prominent skin creases and tethered to the bone at each side of the wrist. All of the major tendons pass beneath this and are held securely in place. Because they have to slide freely they run in lubricating sheaths so the whole bundle of tendons and tendon sheaths are all squashed together into the gap between the flexor retinaculum and the bones of the wrist - this is the space known as the 'carpal tunnel' and it has to be tight because its function is to hold the tendons in place. Unfortunately the designer chose to route the median nerve through this tunnel along with the tendons. I can see no good reason for this but thats the way it is and it has to fight for space with all the other stuff that's in there. The ulnar nerve incidentally passes outside the carpal tunnel and only rarely runs into trouble at the wrist. In the 'normal' situation the structures in the carpal tunnel all seem to tolerate the cramped conditions well but this is a finely balanced arrangement and it only takes a slight disturbance of the normal anatomy to produce pressure problems in the tunnel. The most vulnerable occupant of the tunnel is the median nerve hence the carpal tunnel syndrome. Examples of the sort of processes disturbing the normal anatomy include:- 1) Bony change distorting the 'floor' of the tunnel - osteo-arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, CTS is especially common after the wrist fracture known as Colles fracture. It is commoner with age and in women who have naturally smaller carpal tunnels to begin with. 2) Fluid retention leading to an increase in general tissue pressure - CTS occurs in pregnancy and is worse at night, possibly as a result of diurnal variation in kidney function (we retain water overnight basically) 3) Tendon changes - disease of the tendons, or more often their lubricating sheaths, can cause these to take up more room and thus compromise the nerve 4) Tissue thickening - as everywhere in the body there is a certain amount of 'miscellaneous packing' around the place, some conditions can lead o an increase in the amount of this and thus are associated with a raised incidence of CTS - Too little thyroid hormone (hypothyroidism, myxoedema) and too much growth hormone (acromegaly) are the usual culprits in this category. In addition to this some conditions may impair the ability of the median nerve to survive even the conditions in a 'normal' carpal tunnel. These include common conditions such as diabetes and vascular disease which can damage the blood supply of the nerve (which is carried in small vessels running within the nerves fibrous sheath) All of these processes can occur in combination of course to result in the final problem. SO WHAT HAPPENS TO THE NERVE? To understand this one needs to know a little of the fine structure of the nerve. The signal conducting elements (axons) are long extensions of cells whose cell bodies lie far away in the central nervous system and their metabolic activity isprincipally supported by their cell body. The axons are wrapped in layers of an insulating fatty substance called myelin which is laid down by 'schwann' cells all along the length of the nerve. The effect of the myelin covering is to greatly speed up the conduction of signals long the nerve. Axons and their myelin sheaths are grouped into bundles and many bundles are bound together into a fibrous sheath along with small blood vessels to supply the schwann cells thus forming the nerve. The first effect of pressure on such a nerve is to occlude the small blood vessels. The change in the local environment resulting from this seems to be sufficient to tiger spurious impluses in the axons which the brain will interpret in due course as a sensation of some kind - usually 'pins and needles' (paraesthesiae) but sometimes pain and sometimes only the absence of normal sensation is noted as conduction of 'normal' signals blocked at the compressed point. When the pressure is released, the blood supply returns to normal and normal function returns. This leaves no signs afterwards as everything is in fact back to normal. Patients suffering from this process enough to go and complain to a doctor have the clinical syndrome of CTS, it is recognisable usually by the fact that the abnormal sensations are felt in the fingers usually supplied by the median nerve and the fact that it is typically worse at night. There is nothing unusual to see on examination and no abnormality on electrophysiological testing. It is this group of patients who provide the surgeons with their examples of CTS without any nerve conduction abnormality. They are of course amongst the mildest cases of CTS and tend to respond well to the fairly drastic treatment of surgery, enabling the surgeons to feel pleased with their high success rate in treating patients who they diagnosed purely on clinical grounds regardless of the results of tests. Particular villains in this regard are two clinical 'tests' for CTS. In Tinel's test, tapping on the nerve at the wrist, sometimes with a rubber hammer, reproduces the symptoms. In Phalen's test forced flexion of the wrist for a time reprouces the symptoms (you can imagine what this does mechanically to the carpal tunnel and its contents). Many surgeons view these tests, if positive as reliable indicators of CTS, disregarding the fact that a high proportion of the normal population will test positive on one or other of these if you try hard enough. More prolonged or frequently repeated pressure on the nerve produces the next degree of severity. The schwann cells give up the unequal struggle to get an adequate blood supply and die off. The myelin, perhaps encouraged by mechanical abrasion (I'm not sure if this is really an important factor), breaks down and leaves the axons exposed. The axons continue to work but conduct much more slowly. This in itself has no symptoms but can be measured electrically. The nerve becomes visibly thinner as this process continues and more and more myelin degenerates. The exposed axons are even more vulnerable to pressure and sensory symptoms usually become more severe. Blockage of motor signals travelling to the thumb muscles produces some weakness. Myelin is capable of regenerating fairly quickly so up to this stage the situation is easily recoverable and full function will return with adequate treatment. These changes are easily seen under the microscope and when they are present the measurement of conduction velocity is ALWAYS abnormal. There are NO instances of abnormal conduction velocity without pathology if the measurement is made correctly. Eventually the axons start to die off too. For any individual axon this is an all or nothing process, it is either intact or it is not, but as there are many thousands of them, when you look at the function of the whole nerve it appears to be a gradual process as more and more of them succumb. They do however pass through a stage of being physically whole but merely not working and if released at this stage can show a swift recovery. At any one time in a moderately severe CTS some nerve fibres will be entirely normal, some will be partly and some wholly demyelinated but still working, some will be 'on strike', and some will be dead. Hopefully not too many of the latter because they do not recover very well. Some recovery is possible however even from this end stage. Two mechanisms exist. Firstly surviving axons can develop new terminal branches and take over the work of their deceased fellows- this can be fairly quick (weeks to months). Secondly the axon only dies off from the point of damage onwards away from the cell body. The bit that is still attached to the cell body a yard or so away in the neck will survive and can in fact regrow given a chance - this works better if the nerve sheath is intact, providing a channel to direct regrowth, but is very slow (2 years) and may not occur at all. Incidentally the logic behind 'repairing' severed nerves in trauma cases is exactly this - to provide a channel not to re-attach individual axons. As the axons die off new features appear - the muscles at the base of the thumb become weaker and waste away as their controlling nerve supply is interrupted and sometimes the pins and needles or pain is replaced by loss of sensation/numbness which some patients actually find an improvement. A few even say that symptoms have resolved altogether though a quick glance at the thumb usually reveals the true state of affairs. DIAGNOSIS The typical case is easy enough to recognise from the description of the symptoms, female, over 50, woken in the night by tingling in the thumb, index, middle and sometimes ring fingers which is relieved by hanging the hand over the edge of the bed or shaking it. Unfortunately many cases are atypical. Pain may be felt as far up as the shoulder. Symptoms may appear to be more related to other things, especially in occupations requiring much use of the wrists. The distribution of the symptoms in the fingers is especially troublesome. A few patients are observant enough to note the difference between the two sides of the ring finger but many only seem to know that it is their hand that hurts and fail to analyse it any further - if asked they will say, with a puzzled expression, 'its all the fingers'. A small number of patients report that the symptoms are worst in the little and ring fingers - exactly the opposite of the expected distribution - but nevertheless show clear signs of CTS and respond well to treatment for CTS. One wonders whether these patients somehow confuse which fingers feel normal and which abnormal but as with many subjective symptoms there is no real way to resolve the question. When it comes to physical examination Tinel's and Phalen's signs are poor guides as mentioned above. Wasting of the thenar eminence is a fairly reliable sign but can be misleading in arthritic hands and in any case CTS should be diagnosed before this occurs. The best available test is the nerve conduction velocity measurement. An electrical current is used to initiate a volley of impulses in the nerve branches in a finger and the electrical field generated at the wrist as this volley passes along the nerve is recorded. Alternatively the nerve can be stimulated at the wrist and the resulting twitch of the thumb muscles can be recorded to assess conduction in motor axons. Both of these tests can performed on both hands in 5 minutes. The electrical currents used are low and most people do not find them painful so there is no excuse not to carry these out in every suspect. Analysis of the results can largely predict what stage of degeneration the nerve has reached. I am currently looking into how well the results of nerve conduction studies predict the results of surgery but several factors complicate this. Firstly a proportion of CTS patients, beloved of the surgeons, will have normal nerve conduction studies but will respond well to surgery as explained above. A surgical operation is a wonderful placebo and many patients without CTS will also respond well, at least transiently, to surgery. Secondly, the subjective benefit of surgery may not correspond very well the objective change in pathology. A patient whose main problem is pain may not have noticed that their severe CTS has also made their thumb weak. The nerve may be irreparably damaged but surgery may still relieve the pain thus satisfying the patient even though the nerve may be effectively dead afterwards. I am slowly coming around to the policy of 'if it hurts operate - the symptoms may improve even if the CTS doesn't' METHODS OF TREATMENT Most of these can be guessed from the above discussion and are fairly logical 1) rest - often effective if CTS aggravated by use but sadly impractical 2) analgesics - not really tackling the problem, just suppressing the symptoms but some people seem happy with this. 3) physiotherapy - various approaches from relaxation to direct treatments to the wrist, rather variable results in my experience with as many getting worse as better. I suspect that most of the cases reporting a dramatic improvement have something other than, or as well as, CTS. 4) diuretics - do work where fluid is the problem but are inconvenient 5) wrist splints - 'futuro' splints have a steel wrist support built into a fabric structure with velcro fastening. A part of the nocturnal exacerbation of symptoms seems to be related to hand posture and in patients in whom nighttime symptoms are prominent wearing such splints at night often gives dramatic relief. They do not work for more severe cases of CTS and are impractical for most people during the day. Some people also find it impossible to tolerate them at night. They are almost as useful as a diagnostic test as they are as a treatment. Unfortunately it seems to be difficult for GPs to prescribe these. it is probably also true that various other conditions will also respond to the additional rest forced by these. 6) steroid injection - injection of a depot steroid preparation into the carpal tunnel itself acts to reduce fluid and interstitial tissue mass and can relieve CTS quite dramatically. The effect is often temporary (weeks to months) but they can be repeated. There is a theoretical risk of injecting the nerve itself with catastophic results but I've never seen anyone who has had this happen. Many patients are now aware of the risks of systemic steroids and refuse this treatment because of fear of the side effects - unfortunate because this particular form of steroid therapy has NO systemic effects at all as far as one can see. Occasionally the injection itself is VERY painful but fortunately this is fairly rare. 7) surgery - The classical operation for this is to cut through the flexor retinaculum along the line of the median nerve, enlarging the carpal tunnel relieving the pressure on the nerve. Though apparently simple in concept there are certain pitfalls. It is easy, especially when trying to only use a small incision, to fail to cut through all of the flexor retinaculum, leaving a narrow constricting band which is probably worse than the original situation. The operation is often done as a day case, under local anaesthesia (sometimes inadequate), and is viewed as good training material for junior orthopaedic surgeons to practice on. Botched operations are therefore not uncommon and about once a year I see a case in which the surgeon may have actually cut the median nerve or one of its branches. If correctly performed the scar should extend from the palm of the hand to above the two prominent skin creases at the wrist. Unfortunately this scar itself is in an unfortunate position and one of the chief complications of surgery is the formation of a painful scar. This has led to great interest in the recent development of a 'keyhole' technique for carpal tunnel decompression. A small incision is made above the wrist and a plastic guard inserted through the carpal tunnel. The idea is to get this between the nerve and tendons and the flexor retinaculum. A knife can then be slid along the guard, slitting the retinaculum but hopefully without any risk to the nerve or tendons. This is claimed to give a much faster post-operative recovery (days rather than up to 6 weeks for the conventional aproach) and a lower incidence of painful scarring but experience with it in this country is limited at present. The overall long term success rate of surgical carpal tunnel decompression currently seems to be about 75%. I'll update this when I know more. The condition does sometimes genuinely recur after successful surgery but I suspect that many cases of 'recurrence' are either inadequately performed decompressions or misdiagnoses, either originally or in the recurrence. The opinions expressed in this text are my own, based principally on experience of several thousand carpal tunnel syndrome cases. The facts quoted are mostly in the conventional medical literature and are, to the best of my knowledge, accurate though I make no guarantees. I may turn this (admittedly rather epic) message into a leaflet for my patients so please feel free to criticise/suggest changes. Regards, Jeremy