Date: Mon, 5 Oct 1992 13:55:13 MST From: Rick=Hinrichs%Biomechanics%ESPE@ESPE1.LA.ASU.EDU Subject: RSI literature review Compiled by: Richard N. Hinrichs, Ph.D. Dept. of Exercise Science Arizona State University Tempe, AZ 85287-0404 USA email (alias) : Hinrichs@ESPE1.LA.ASU.EDU -------------------The reference list should follow below.------------------- ***** ATTACHMENT: c:\grants\srpref.txt ***** Repetitive Strain Injuries: Review of Literature Data Based References Armstrong, T.J., & Chaffin, D.B. (1979). Carpal tunnel syndrome and selected personal attributes. Journal of Occupational Medicine, 21 (7), 481-486. Armstrong, T.J., Chaffin, D.B., & Foulke, J.A. (1979). A methodology for documenting hand positions and forces during manual work. Journal of Biomechanics, 12, 131-133. Armstrong, T.J., Radwin, R.G., & Hansen, D.J. (1986). Repetitive trauma disorders: Job evaluation and design. Human Factors, 28 (3), 325-336. Armstrong, T.J., & Silverstein, B.A. (1987). 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