Date: Mon, 2 Aug 1993 10:13:22 +1000 From: John Lamp Subject: Research in Australia To: Multiple recipients of list SOREHAND Co-incidental to the requests I have had for information on research/papers in Australia, the Worksafe Australia Occupational Health and Safety Research Survey has just hit my desk. Published March 1993, ISBN 0 644 24558 1, all enquiries to: The Manager Commonwealth Information Service Australian Government Publishing Service GPO Box 84 CANBERRA ACT 2601 Australia I am not an employee of Worksafe Australia The major research organisation working in OOS areas is Ross Armstrong Centre for Ergonomics and Human Factors Department of Human Biosciences La Trobe University Locked Bag 12 CARLTON SOUTH VIC 3053 Australia +61 3 285 5311 (voice) +61 3 285 5184 (fax) Recent or current research projects Repetition Strain Injuries (RSI) - Understandings from the Sociology of medical Knowledge, Social Movement Theory & Social Struggle Analysis Pathology of Work-Related Neck & Upper Limb Disorders - Implications for Diagnosis & Treatment Prevalence and Causes of Work-Related Neck & Upper Limb Disorders among Office Workers Consumers' Perspective of Rehabilitation in RSI cases Musculo-skeletal problems associated with VDU use at the ANU, a case study of changes in work practices Dr Gabrielle Bammer National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health Australian National University Canberra ACT The role of neck and upper back dysfunction in upper limb overuse syndromes - a clinical trial Dr Richard Gun Community Medicine University of Adelaide Adelaide SA An early warning system for the prevention and preclinical diagnosis of repetitive strain injury in Keyboard Operations Dr Richard Heath Psychology University of Newcastle Callaghan NSW Role of primary afferent nerve pathway in RSI Prof. Robert Helme National Research Institute of Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine Parkville Vic Prevention of sprain/strain injuries: - training and education; systems of change in the workplace Mr Richard Sutherland Vocational Rehabilitation Service Aireys Inlet Vic To identify Asymptomatic Dysfunction of the Elbow which could Predispose to the Development of signs and symptoms of Tennis Elbow Dr Cynthia Tucker Osteopathic Science Unit School of Chiro & Osteo Phillip Institute of Technology Bundoora Vic Please do not ask me for better contact addresses/email addresses for these people. You now know as much as I do. Netfind may find some of them. Cheers John _--_|\ John Lamp, originating in Hobart, Tasmania / \ Phone: 002 23 1366 - Fax: 002 34 5685 \_.--._/ email: v <-----------------------------------------------------