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Effects of Vertical Viewing Angle and Eye Blink Rate During Computer
Sol Elvira Solorzano
San Jose State University
Lawrence Livermore Laboratories
The effects of vertical viewing angles and eye blinking rate during
computer work were investigated. Twenty subjects read from a computer screen set at
viewing angles 15° above eye level, eye level, 15° below eye level, and 30° below eye
level. Eye blinks during tasks were measured by electrooculography. Subjective ratings on
visual and musculoskeletal strain were obtained. Test hypotheses were: (a) blink rate does
not change with variations of viewing angle, (b) blink rate does not change with
time-on-task, and (c) there is no interaction effects on blink rate between viewing angle
and time-on- task. The results were blink rate increases as the viewing angle approaches
eye level, and blink rate increases with time-on-task. No significant interaction was
found between viewing angle and time-on-task on blink rate. Results and subjecting ratings
support recommendations of VDT viewing angle range near 15°
below eye level.
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