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Welcome to the Organizations Listing!

Here is a growing list of organizations that relate to the RSI community.  These consist of a wide range of organizations providing research, standards, and assistance in the areas of ergonomics, repetitive strain injuries, and related fields.

Government Organizations

United States

Agency for Health Care Policy and Research (AHCPR)
The National Advisory Council for Health Care Policy, Research, and Evaluation provides advice and recommendations to the Administrator, Agency for Health Care Policy and Research (AHCPR), and to the Secretary, Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), on priorities for a national health services research agenda.
     New AHCPR-Supported Study on Low Back Pain Reported in New England Journal of Medicine

Bureau of Labor Statistics
The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) is the principal fact-finding agency for the Federal Government in the broad field of labor economics and statistics. The BLS is an independent national statistical agency that collects, processes, analyzes, and disseminates essential statistical data to the American public, the U.S. Congress, other Federal agencies, State and local governments, business, and labor. The BLS also serves as a statistical resource to the Department of Labor.

Department of Labor (DOL)
The U.S. Department of Labor is charged with preparing the American workforce for new and better jobs, and ensuring the adequacy of America's workplaces. It is responsible for the administration and enforcement of over 180 federal statutes. These legislative mandates and the regulations produced to implement them cover a wide variety of workplace activities for nearly 10 million employers and well over 100 million workers, including protecting workers' wages, health and safety, employment and pension rights; promoting equal employment opportunity; administering job training, unemployment insurance and workers' compensation programs; strengthening free collective bargaining and collecting, analyzing and publishing labor and economic statistics.

European Agency for Safety and Health at Work
The European Agency for Safety and Health at Work started work in 1996 and is based in Bilbao, Spain. The Agency's objective as set out in the founding Regulation is "in order to encourage improvements in the working environment, the Agency shall provide the Community bodies, the Member States and those involved in health and safety at work with the technical, scientific and economic information of use in the field of safety and health at work."

US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
Mission: to promote equal opportunity in employment by enforcing the federal civil rights employment laws through administrative and judicial actions, and education and technical assistance.

National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
NIOSH was established by the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970. NIOSH is part of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and is the only federal Institute responsible for conducting research and making recommendations for the prevention of work-related illnesses and injuries.

National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases
The National Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases Information Clearinghouse serves the public, patients, and health professionals by disseminating information, locating other information sources, creating health information materials, and participating in a national Federal database on health information.

Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA)
The mission of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is to save lives, prevent injuries and protect the health of America's workers. To accomplish this, federal and state governments must work in partnership with the more than 100 million working men and women and their six and a half million employers who are covered by the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970.



Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety



National Institute of Working Life


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Injured Worker & Labor Organizations

Americans With Work Related Injuries (AWRI)
Americans With Work Related Injuries was originally founded as a Political Action/Injured Worker help organization to increase the awareness of computer related injuries and help the injured worker through the Workers' Compensation process. We found that injured workers from all occupations need help, construction workers, law enforcement, fire fighters, factory workers, airline employees, office workers, salesmen and women, etc.

The Association for Repetitive Motion Syndromes (A.R.M.S.)
ARMS, which incorporated in 1994 as a California nonprofit organization (also has federal nonprofit status).  Its executive director, Stephanie Barnes, who coordinates a support group in Santa Rosa, describes it as a national clearinghouse that provides support and information to at-risk and injured workers, their employers, worker' compensation professionals, the press, and the public at large regarding preventive, therapeutic, medical, and legal aspects of repetitive motion syndromes.  Members recieve the A.R.M.S. newsletter (published 3-4 times a year) and limited telephone information/support. Donations are tax-deductible -- memberships are not.  Your tax-deductible, $20/year membership and any other contributions may be sent to ARMS at P.O. Box 471973, Aurora CO 80047-1973, (303) 369-0803.

A.R.M.S. also supplies information packets on a variety of topics, including The Americans with Disabilities Act, surgery, thoracic outlet syndrome, alternative keyboards, and more. These packets are available at $5 for non-members and $2.50 for members. Back issues of the A.R.M.S newsletter are also available - most are $4 with an SASE.

Coalition on New Office Technology (CNOT)
Kerry Souza, MPH, Director
650 Beacon St., 5th Floor, Boston in Kenmore Square
Boston, MA 02215
(617) 247-6827, Fax: (617) 262-6414 
The Coalition on New Office Technology is a collective voice for office workers, with special emphasis on women workers. We focus on the impact of office technology on our jobs, health and rights. We share a vision of a world in which technology is popularly controlled and serves all people. In promoting healthy workplaces where dignity, autonomy and privacy are respected, CNOT organizes and trains office workers, researches office technology issues, and advocates for public policy changes.  The Office Technology Education Project is a training and education project of CNOT. OTEP provides health and safety trainings for computer users focusing on prevention of repetitive strain injuries (RSIs), eyestrain and stress.

Worker's (Repetitive) Injury Support Team
W.R.I.S.T. is a member organization of the Ontario Network of Injured Workers' Groups. We are a non-profit organization with federal charity status that is run by injured workers for injured workers. We are dedicated to helping those suffering from Occupational Injury or Disease in Oxford County and surrounding areas by providing the support and information necessary to improve their quality of life.

WORKSAFE! is a statewide coalition of individuals and organizations dedicated to promoting safety and health in the workplace in order to preserve the health of all Californians.

Job Accommodation Network (JAN)

The MedCheck Project - Injured Workers Uniting For Fair Unbiased Medical Evaluations, Prompt Medical Treatment, Pain Control & Preservation of Patient Rights
This is a newly formed organization that is just forming its structure.

Center for the Advancement of Health
The Center for the Advancement of Health was established to be a voice for change in the health system. The mission of the Center is to achieve the widespread acceptance and application of an expanded view of health that recognizes the role of behavioral, psychological, social, and environmental as well as physical factors in promoting health and preventing and treating disease. The Center's focus is on the interactions of mental and physical states that influence health and illness, and the implications of these interactions for the design, operation, and effectiveness of the health care system.

Federal workers FEDUP with abuse from agencies & OWCP against injured & disabled workers
This is your free self-help resource for on-the-job injuries, claims, red tape, and related medical & legal concerns in federal employment. FEDUP FEDS is an advocacy network as well, working with the Congressional committees and other officials.

Supports human rights and economic justice for workers by providing labor news and information, comprehensive Internet services, training and website design for union and labor organizations.

The American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME)
AFSCME is the nation's largest public employee and health care workers union. Its more than 1.3 million members are committed to achieving dignity and improving their working conditions through collective bargaining.

Our mission is to improve the lives of working families and to bring economic justice to the workplace and social justice to the nation.
     AFL-CIO's Stop the Pain Campaign


Also see Support Groups

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Professional Organizations

American Academy of Opthalmology
Mission: To achieve accessible, appropriate and affordable eye care for the public by serving the educational and professional needs of ophthalmologists.
     Computers and Eye Strain - http://www.eyenet.org/public/faqs/computers_faq.html

American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons
The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons provides education and practice management services for orthopaedic surgeons and allied health professionals. The Academy also serves as an advocate for improved patient care and informs the public about the science of orthopaedics. Founded at Northwestern University as a not-for-profit organization in 1933, the Academy has grown from a small organization serving less than 500 members to the world's largest medical association of musculoskeletal specialists. The Academy now serves about 20,000 members internationally.
     Public Information - Patient Education Brochures

American Association of Occupational Health Nurses
The mission of the American Association of Occupational Health Nurses, Inc. (AAOHN) is to advance the profession of occupational and environmental health nursing.

American Board of Medical Specialties
The American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS) is the umbrella organization for the 24 approved medical specialty boards in the United States. Established in 1933, the ABMS serves to coordinate the activities of its Member Boards and to provide information to the public, the government, the profession and its Members concerning issues involving specialization and certification in medicine. The mission of the ABMS is to maintain and improve the quality of medical care in the United States by assisting the Member Boards in their efforts to develop and utilize professional and educational standards for the evaluation and certification of physician specialists.

American Chiropractic Association
The ACA is a national non-profit professional membership organization. The mission of the American Chiropractic Association is to advance chiropractic, promote the highest standards of ethics and patient care for the profession, and serve the needs of the membership, thereby contributing to the health and welfare of society worldwide.
     Chiropractic Information for Consumers

American Industrial Hygiene Association
AIHA is the essential source for information on Occupational and Environmental Health and Safety issues. Founded in 1939, AIHA is an organization of more than 12,000 professional members dedicated to the anticipation, recognition, evaluation, and control of environmental factors arising in or from the workplace that may result in injury, illness, impairment, or affect the well-being of workers and members of the community.

American Medical Association
The AMA is much more than a voluntary membership organization of physicians. It is the patient's advocate and the physician's voice. It sets standards for the profession of medicine.

American Occupational Therapy Association
4720 Montgomery LN., Bethesda, MD 20814-3425.
(301) 652-2682, Fax: (301) 652-7711.
http://www.aota.org /
The mission of the American Occupational Therapy Association is to support a professional community for members and to develop and preserve the viability and relevance of the profession. The organization serves the interests of its members, represents the profession to the public, and promotes access to occupational therapy services.

American Optometric Association
The American Optometric Association (AOA), founded in 1898, represents more than 32,000 doctors of optometry, students of optometry and paraoptometric assistants and technicians in more than 6,600 communities across the country and in foreign countries. AOA members are dedicated to providing the highest quality eyecare.

American Osteopathic Association
The AOA is organized to advance the philosophy and practice of osteopathic medicine by promoting excellence in education, research, and the delivery of quality and cost-effective healthcare in a distinct, unified profession.

American Physical Therapy Association
The American Physical Therapy Association is a national, professional organization representing more than 75,000 members. APTA's goal is to foster advancement in physical therapy practice, research, and education.

American Society of Safety Engineers
Founded in 1911, the American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE) is the world's oldest and largest professional safety organization. ASSE's mission is to foster the technical, scientific, managerial and ethical knowledge, skills and competency of safety, health and environmental professionals for the protection of people, property and the environment, and to advance the status and promote the advancement of the safety profession.

Arthritis Foundation
The mission of the Arthritis Foundation is to support research to find the cure for and prevention of arthritis and to improve the quality of life for those affected by arthritis.
     Preventing Carpal Tunnel Syndrome & Work-Related Hand Pain

Association for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback (AAPB)
The Association for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback (AAPB) was founded in 1969 as the Biofeedback Research Society. Goals are to promote a new understanding of biofeedback and advance the methods used in this practice.

Association of Academic Physiatrists (AAP)
The Association of Academic Physiatrists (AAP) was founded in 1967 to serve as the national organization of physiatrists who are affiliated with medical schools. The AAP is a member organization of the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC). The objectives of the Association are to promote the advancement of teaching and research in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation within an academic environment. The organization acts as a sounding board and forum for the exchange of ideas and information relative to all phases of the art and science of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. It promotes the distribution of information to future young physicians who will be practicing this art and science for the benefit of the public health and welfare. The organization also becomes involved in the exchange of information from other areas of medicine, both in basic science and in clinical areas of teaching and research.

Association of Canadian Ergonomists
Founded in 1968, the Association of Canadian Ergonomists/L'Association canadienne d'ergonomie (ACE) is an association of persons who have human factors/ergonomics interests, be they research workers seeking to expand knowledge in the field, practitioners endeavoring to apply existing knowledge, or members of the public and clients in need of human factors/ergonomics expertise and services. Membership is open to those who will benefit from the judicious application of human factors and ergonomic knowledge, either as individuals or as representatives of organizations. 

Australian Physiotherapy Association

Board of Certification in Professional Ergonomics (BCPE)
The Board of Certification in Professional Ergonomics (BCPE) was established in 1990 as a nonprofit corporation to provide a formal organization and procedures for examining and certifying qualified practitioners of ergonomics.

Candian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety
The Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS) is Canada's national centre for occupational health and safety (OH&S) information. As a corporation governed by a Council with representatives from employers, labour and government, CCOHS is committed to providing impartial, accurate, useful information to all parties in the workplace.

Canadian Physiotherapy Association
CPA is the national professional organization representing more than 9,000 physiotherapists and physiotherapy students across Canada. CPA serves its members and the public by increasing the understanding of the physiotherapist's role in the health care system. Its mission is to provide leadership and direction to the profession, foster excellence in practice, education and research and to promote high standards of health in Canada.

The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy
The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy represents 98 per cent of all state-registered physiotherapists. This means they will have undertaken extensive training which today includes a three or four year degree course and they will be governed by our rules of professional conduct.

The Ergonomics Society of the United Kingdom
The Ergonomics Society, founded in 1949, represents the professional interests of over 1000 ergonomists throughout the United Kingdom and abroad and maintains a register of professional ergonomics consultancies. The Society's aims are to promote the awareness, education and application of ergonomics in industry, commerce, the public sector and government, and the public domain in general.

Human Factors and Ergonomics Society
The Society's mission is to promote the discovery and exchange of knowledge concerning the characteristics of human beings that are applicable to the design of systems and devices of all kinds. The Society furthers serious consideration of knowledge about the assignment of appropriate functions for humans and machines, whether people serve as operators, maintainers, or users in the system. And, it advocates systematic use of such knowledge to achieve compatibility in the design of interactive systems of people, machines, and environments to ensure their effectiveness, safety, and ease of performance.

International Ergonomics Association (IEA)
International Ergonomics Association (IEA) is the association of ergonomics and human factors societies around the world. Its mission is to elaborate and advance ergonomics science and practice and to expand its scope of application and contribution to society to better the human condition.
     1997 Congress webpage - http://turva.me.tut.fi/iea97/index.html

International Society for Occupational Ergonomics and Safety
The International Society for Occupational Ergonomics & Safety is dedicated to the advancement of occupational ergonomics and safety. ISOES supports this advancement by organizing and sponsoring annual International Occupational Ergonomics and Safety Conferences.

International Standards Organization
The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies from some 130 countries, one from each country. The mission of ISO is to promote the development of standardization and related activities in the world with a view to facilitating the international exchange of goods and services, and to developing cooperation in the spheres of intellectual, scientific, technological and economic activity.

National Association of Myofascial Trigger Point Therapists
Dedicated to the relief & control of Myofascial Pain & Dysfunction

National Safety Council
The mission of the National Safety Council is "to educate and influence society to adopt safety, health and environmental policies, practices and procedures that prevent and mitigate human suffering and economic losses arising from preventable causes."

North American Institute of Manual Therapy
The North American Institute of Orthopaedic Manual Therapy Inc. (NAIOMT) is an organization dedicated to the advancement of orthopaedic manual and manipulative physical therapy in the United States. NAIOMT seeks to promote the highest quality physical therapy in the prevention and treatment of musculoskeletal problems. It further seeks to create an environment which is conducive to the application of a reasoned approach to manual and manipulative physical therapy through critical inquiry and the creation of new knowledge and skills based on scientific principles through study and dissemination of that knowledge. NAIOMT strongly supports the union of the clinician, the academician and the researcher to further facilitate the development of quality care and education.

Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America (RESNA)
RESNA is an interdisciplinary association for the advancement of rehabilitation and assistive technologies (AT).

Royal College of General Practitioners
The Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) is the academic organisation in the UK for general practitioners. Its aim is to encourage and maintain the highest standards of general medical practice and act as the ‘voice’ of general practitioners on education, training and standards issues.
     Clinical Guidelines for the management of Acute Low Back Pain

World Confederation for Physical Therapy (WCPT)
Objectives/aims/principles: Encourage improved standards of physical therapy training and practice; promote scientific knowledge of new developments in physical therapy and exchange of information between nations.

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Industry Organizations

Center for Office Technology
Established in 1985, the Center for Office Technology is a national coalition of employers, manufacturers and associations dedicated to improving the office working environment and to promoting informed approaches to comfort and well-being issues associated with computers and office technology. COT's members believe that many of the concerns associated with office technology can be effectively addressed by paying careful attention to the manner in which technology is introduced, the physical ergonomics of workstations, and the design of jobs and tasks.

National Coalition on Ergonomics
An alliance of associations and businesses representing large and small employers across the United States, dedicated to a full debate concerning ergonomics -- the practice of fitting workplaces to workers. Their website offers you information and opportunities to help call for sound science when government leaders consider regulating ergonomics.

Office Ergonomic Research Committee (OERC)
A committee of companies dedicated to the advancement of research in Office Ergonomics and Upper Extremity Musculoskeletal Disorders (UEMSDs).

Musculoskeletal Disorders in the U.S. Office Workforce

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Research Organizations

United States

The Center for Industrial Ergonomics
Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Louisville
The Center's research and educational activities focus on integrating people, organization and technology at work, and improving quality and productivity through ergonomics and safety management.

Center for Product Ergonomics
University of South Florida, Tampa, FL
John D. Lloyd, CPE, Research Director

The Center to Protect Workers' Rights (CPWR)  
The nonprofit research arm of the Building and Construction Trades Department, AFL-CIO . CPWR focuses on construction worker safety and health as a means to assess and encourage improvement in working conditions and industry productivity. CPWR aims to produce and disseminate useful knowledge about three aspects of the construction: industry and labor market, the work place and its organization, and quality of life for workers and their families.

Cornell Univ Human Factors and Ergonomics Home Page
Cornell Ergonomics Web - http://ergo.human.cornell.edu

Michigan State University's Ergonomics Research Laboratory

North Carolina Ergonomics Resource Center
The North Carolina Ergonomics Resource Center (NCERC) seeks to improve the productivity, safety, and well-being of the people of North Carolina in all sectors of business and industry, including government.
  Ergonomics Lab -   http://www.ie.ncsu.edu/ergolab 

Ohio State University
  Biodynamics Laboratory - http://osuergo.eng.ohio-state.edu
  Institute for Ergonomics - http://osuergo.eng.ohio-state.edu/Institute/Institute_home.html

Rensselear Polytechnic Institute's Lighting Research Center

San Jose State University ­ Silicon Valley Ergonomics Institute (SVEi)
The Silicon Valley Ergonomics Institute (SVEi) is an official unit of the San Jose State University. It was created by an interdisciplinary faculty group in 1992 to address the growing importance of ergonomics, human factors, and safety in industry and in most public and service sector agencies. The objective of the SVEi is to organize and conduct interdisciplinary programs of teaching, research, community service, and development in this emerging professional discipline.

Texas A&M University ­ National Science Foundation Industry/University Cooperative Research Center in Ergonomics
The purpose of the Ergonomics Center is to provide industry-driven research. The National Science Foundation provides us with a logo, unique status, $50,000 per year contribution for five years, and reduced but continued support thereafter. There are currently eight companies working with us. One of the priorities of the Center is to examine the sometimes limited research behind the coming onslaught of regulations. Active participation by the member companies gives the Center a 'laboratory' in which to conduct large-scale, longitudinal studies across different regions of the country. Another big advantage for participation is the ability of member companies to contract for exclusive or proprietary projects at the low overhead. Each participating company has one vote on the Industrial Advisory Board which prioritizes and selects industry-oriented research projects.
Dr. Moore awarded RFQ 98-3 by NIOSH : Project on comprehensive long-term field assessment of efficacy of alternative keyboards (Dr. Naomi Swanson, Project Officer, NIOSH).

Texas Tech University - Department of Industrial Engineering

Tufts University ­ Department of Public and Environmental Safety

University of California Agricultural Ergonomics Research Center
The Agricultural Ergonomics Research Center at UC Davis brings together a broad-based team of faculty, professionals, and students to study the ergonomics of agricultural work. Efforts are focused on describing ergonomic risk factors as well as design, evaluation, and dissemination of interventions which reduce or eliminate ergonomic risk factors with neutral or positive impact on work productivity. Evaluation strategies include application of advanced ergonomic instrumentation, human performance analysis, and health outcomes surveillance. Work is further guided and assessed by cooperative input from management, labor, and public health professionals. Results are published and shared in a variety of formats. Research is funded by grants from private industry and by the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH).

University of Cincinnati's Biomechanics Ergonomics Research Laboratories
Dedicated to the study of physical and chemical factors that influence human performance at the workplace and natural environment. Several research projects are currently under process, and information will be available about these projects.

University of Nebraska, Lincoln ­ Center for Ergonomics and Safety Research
The Center for Ergonomics and Safety Research (CESR) was established in 1991 to study and improve the job performance and well-being of people in relation to their job tasks, equipment and environment. At the worksite or in the Center research lab, the ergonomics professionals of the Center for Ergonomics and Safety Research improve worker's job performance and safety. Researchers perform ergonomic evaluations, provide ergonomic training and information, offer specialized ergonomic learning experiences, and conduct basic and applied ergonomic research.

University of California, Berkeley ­ UCSF/UCB Ergonomics Program
The Ergonomics Program is affiliated with the Center for Occupational and Environmental Health , a University of California umbrella organization that links faculty and research programs with research interest in occupational health from the Berkeley, Davis and San Francisco campuses. The Program's laboratory is located at U.C. Berkeley's Richmond Field Station, a research station administered by the College of Engineering.

University of Cinncinnati ­ Biomech Ergonomics Resource Tank
The Biomechanics Ergonomics Research Laboratories at the University of Cincinnati are dedicated to the study of physical and chemical factors that influence human performance at the workplace and natural environment. Several research projects are currently under process, and information will be available about these projects.

University of Maryland ­ Department of Environmental Safety

University of Miami, Ohio ­ Center for Ergonomic Research

University of Michigan ­ College of Engineering's Center for Ergonomics
The University of Michigan Center for Ergonomics is a multi-disciplinary organization devoted to education and research in ergonomics, the study of work and the efficiency and safety of human-machine systems.

University of Minnesota ­ Department of Environmental Health and Safety

University of Louisville ­ Center for Industrial Ergonomics
The Center for Industrial Ergonomics is an integral unit of the Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Louisville. The Center's research and educational activities focus on integrating people, organization and technology at work, and improving quality and productivity through ergonomics and safety management.

University of Pennsylvania ­ Center for Human Modeling and Simulation
The overall goal of the Center for Human Modeling and Simulation is the modeling and animation of human movement. That central topic drives a number of related research interests covering a broad scope from image synthesis to natural language interfaces.

University of Washington ­ Back Pain Outcome Assessment Team

University of Wisconsin-Madison ­ Industrial Engineering

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University ­ Human Factors Engineering Center
The Human Factors Engineering Center is a consortium of research activities representing the current interests of the Virginia Tech Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering faculty of who are concerned with undergraduate and graduate programs in human factors.

Wright State University ­ Department of Biomechanical & Human Factors Engineering
The only academic program, nationally, that shares biomedical and human factors engineering as a common mission. Both programs are human centered and are dedicated to support the health, performance, and safety of individuals, whether through design of a new imaging technique by members of our biomedical factulty, or by improving the design of a manufacturing system by our human factors faculty.



National Injury Surveillance Unit
Our mission is to inform community discussion and public policy-making on injury prevention and control, and related issues by providing information to support injury control activities, and improving injury information systems and methods.



Finnish Institute of Occupational Health
The main purpose of the Institute of Occupational Health is to generate and disseminate new pertinent information on the interaction of work and health, and to promote the application of this information at workplaces to create healthier, safer and more satisfactory working conditions.



National Institute of Health Sciences (NIHS)



Research Institute for Human Engineering
The FAT with a current staff of about 50 employees was founded in 1969 by Prof. Dr.-Ing. R. Bernotat. It grew out of the Research Group for Human Engineering at the Institute for Flight-Guidance and Air Traffic in the Technical University of Berlin. In general, the goal of human engineering efforts in systems development is to achieve an efficient design through an appropriate allocation of functions between human and machine system elements and the adaptation of the design of machine elements to the capabilities and limitations of system personnel. In addition to the human engineering contributions to an ergonomic design of complex human-machine systems, there are other aspects of ergonomics including personnel ergonomics (dealing with personnel selection and training) and environmental ergonomics (dealing with environmental factors such as climate, illumination, and noise).



Product & Systems Ergomomics
The object of Product & Systems Ergonomics is to establish norms, guidelines, insights and methods, enabling designers to make better choices when specifying functions, materials, forms, operations and usage

Netherlands Institute for the Working Environment NIA-TNO  
NIA TNO was created by a merger of the Netherlands Institute for Working Conditions NIA and the Occupational Health Division of TNO. The organisation is active internationally as well as within the Netherlands in a broad but specialised field of work, working conditions, organisation and technology. They handle research, consultancy and training related to working life.



The National Institute for Working Life
The National Institute for Working Life is a young organisation; it was formed in 1995, when the government gave it the mission of "pursuing and fostering research and learning, as well as conducting development projects concerning work, the working environment and relations within the labour market".


United Kingdom

Health and Safety Executive
HSC/HSE's business is to ensure that risks to people's health and safety from work activities are properly controlled.

Department of Health

University of Birmingham Institute of Occupational Health

University of London - Ergonomics & HCI Unit



World Health Organization

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Related Links

CTDNews' Government, labor, educational and professional OSH links

ErgoWorld's Consultants and Organizations Star
This master list provides access to information on a variety of consultants, trainers, and researchers working in the Ergonomics/Human Factors field. In addition, there is a list of ergonomics and human factors organizations.

ErgoWeb's Professional Ergonomics Organizations

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Last Updated: 01/30/02

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