
Shareware/Low-Cost Programs 


Acarda Technologies

Allen Cypher's

Anyware (NZ)

Carter Computer Solutions
RSI Break for Windows

Chequers Software
Break Reminder

FranzO Software
Oosie Micropause

Hopkins Technology
Exercise Break

Jonathan Rosanowski

Planet Crafters
Plug-In for Windows


Richard Donkin

RSIGuard Software

Ruth Nisenbaum

Steve Kellock
The Reminder


Thomas Reed
Coffee Break



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There is a growing number of freeware and low-cost shareware programs that provide break reminders and some exercise and posture/ergonomics information.  While not as comprehensive as their commercial counterparts, these programs may be simply all you need - and my be the only ones for your operating system. 

Acarda Technologies
P O Box 1037, Hamilton, New Zealand 
64-7-854 5561, Fax: 64-7-854 5562


Acarda's PauseMe Message ScreenshotPauseMe
(microbreak software)

PauseMe reminds you to take a pause or a microbreak from computer work. There are three different messages that appear unobtrusively on your screen - the first two appear for only a few seconds, while the third stays on your screen for 10 seconds (or a shorter time if you close it by clicking OK). The third Pause can also be set so it covers your whole screen, therefore forcing you to take a micro break. You can set the time intervals for each message to a length of time that suits you best. PauseMe displays a photo image on the third reminder message that you can change and add your own image to once you have registered PauseMe. 

The shareware version has timers set so that the third Pause message appears every 3 minutes. To unlock the timers, the first two Pause Messages and to be able to add your own images, you will need to register your copy.


Acarda Technologies - RemindMeRemindMe
(exercise break and microbreak reminder software)

  • Compatibility: Win 95/98/NT
  • Shareware Demo: Free to try for 7 days, $29 if you decide to keep it (volume discounts apply for 3 or more versions, see our website: http://www.safetyatwork.com/remindme.htm)

RemindMe(tm) prompts you to take an exercise break from computer work. With RemindMe you can use exercises that have been recommended by your own specialist for your personal self-care program. You can add your own exercises, or use the ten example exercises that come with RemindMe. To encourage you to take an exercise break at a convenient time, you can be reminded twice before the exercise will automatically appear. If you need to, you can set the exercise screen so that it will lock you out from the work you are doing, effectively forcing you to take your break. Because everyone has different exercise requirements, you can set the timer so the exercises appear at time intervals that suit you. 

Included in RemindMe(tm) are the standard features of PauseMe Microbreak Reminder software. As well as being reminded to take regular exercise breaks, you can have Pause Reminder messages appear. A Pause is a short break of 5-10 seconds for muscle relaxation usually every three minutes or so (though you can change the timing of the messages to suit you). There are three different Pause Reminder messages. The first two appear unobtrusively for a few seconds, while the third one can be set so that you are forced to take a Pause. A photo image that you can change is displayed on the third message. 

You can easily see how long until your next Pause or Exercise break by holding your mouse over the RemindMe icon in the system tray. Included in RemindMe are a list of suggestions for setting up your workstation and for taking exercise breaks. 

(see website  for more manufacturer product information)

(Information last checked: Jul'00)

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Allen Cypher's



  • Availability:  Direct
  • Compatibility:  Macintosh (with Frontier)
  • Price:  Free

ReStIe reminds users with Repetitive Stress Injury to take periodic breaks from typing and mousing. You specify the amount of time you want to work, and the amount of time you want Restie to make you rest. The program is initially set for 10 minutes of work, followed by 1 minute of rest.

Restie keeps track of how much time you are actively typing or using the mouse. After a total of 10 minutes of active work time have accumulated, Restie will put up Alerts which prevent you from working for the next minute. If, at any time, you do not do any typing or mousing for 1 minute, Restie will automatically reset its timer, allowing you to continue to work for another 10 minutes.

Restie is an improvement over programs like Coffee Break that simply set a timer. With Restie, if you only use the mouse or keyboard for a total of 4 minutes in a 10-minute interval, you will only accumulate 4 minutes of work time, and you will not be forced to take a break.

Restie also keeps track of your total daily work time, in case you want to limit the amount of time you work each day.

Restie is a Macintosh program that requires Frontier

Restie© Copyright 1997 by Allen Cypher

(see website  for more manufacturer product information)


(Information last checked:  Jul'00)

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Anyware Limited (NZ)



  • Availability:  Direct (Secure online ordering available on website)
  • Compatibility:  Windows 3.x, Windows 95/98/NT
  • Price: US$9.00 (Evaluation version has most functionality and can be used as long as you like.

What Is PastTense?

PastTense is a software tool that can help you to reduce the build up of stress both in general and in specific parts of your body.  It can help you to target problems associated with occupational overuse syndrome (OOS), aka repetitive strain injury (RSI), before they occur or (probably for most people reading this) before they get worse.

With PastTense a number of different configuration options can be defined, each of which contains one or more timers to remind you to have a rest. Timers can be set to remind you of anything from taking a short walk around the office every hour to stretching your wrists every 30 seconds - you define the reminder message.

A number of default configurations are supplied with PasteTense and these can be customised to suit your individual needs.  You can define up to 10 configurations, each with up to 10 timers.  Any one of these configurations can be selected and used at any time.

PastTense does not force you to have a rest by locking up your PC.  It may not always be convenient to have a rest 'right now' and the main job of PastTense is to give you reminders based on the rest frequencies that you define.

You are responsible!

It is important to acknowledge that it is your work and rest habits that determine how much tension builds up in your body.  To be truly effective, PastTense needs your full commitment to resolving your problems.

(see website  for more manufacturer product information)

(Information last checked: Jul'00)

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Carter Computer Solutions
Voice/Fax: (905) 934-1413

RSI Break for Windows

  • Freeware for personal use

This is a simple program which will interrupt your work at user-defined intervals so you can take a break from your computer. This will help you to prevent RSI (repetitive strain injury) which can take many forms, from headaches, neck pain, and eye strain to tendinitis and carpal tunnel syndrome.

RSI Break is non-intrusive. When your break time comes around, a window will pop up notifying you, and you simply click on the "OK" button. When the program is minimized, the icon's caption displays the current time and date.

RSI Break is free for personal use. Business users who find it useful are required to register for only $15.00 Canadian. Volume discounts are available.

(see website  for more manufacturer product information)

(Information last checked:  Jul'00)

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Chequers Software
213 Milson Line, Palmerston North, New Zealand
Ph +64 6 3585661

Break Reminder

  • Single user licenses cost NZ$20 (approx US$9). 

A break reminder program to help prevent OOS/RSI and to assist in the healing process if these or similar conditions already exist. 

Small program interface that discretely runs in the background monitoring your computer use, which uses timers (to your settings) that remind you to take a break

(see website  for more manufacturer product information)

(Information last checked:  Sep'01)

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FranzO Software
171 Daniell St, Newtown, Wellington, New Zealand

Oosie Micropause

  • Compatibility: Windows 95 and Windows NT 4
  • Estimated Price:  NZ$39 (about US$25)
  • Availability: Direct

Oosie Micropause helps you avoid OOS (Occupational Overuse Syndrome) and RSI (Repetitive Strain Injury) by reminding you to micropause and do exercises. Written for Windows 95 and Windows NT 4, this product uses Video to encourage self management of OOS.

Oosie is shareware. The Oosie software you download is a fully functional evaluation version which works for 30 days - after which you need to buy a registration key.

(see website  for more manufacturer product information)

(Information last checked:  Jul'00)

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Hopkins Technology (distributors)
421 Hazel Lane, Hopkins, MN 55343-7116
(612) 931-9376, Fax:  (612) 931-9377
70412.727@compuserve.com (Ignacio Valdes, the developer)

Exercise Break

  • Shareware demos (working StressFree version but reduced functions)
  • Compatibility:  Windows (3.0/3.1), Mac System 6.0.5 or higher
  • Estimated Price:  $29.95 if supported via CompuServe or Internet, otherwise $39.95. Site license for 3 or more copies is $20.00 each.

Aimed at preventing RSI, this program warns you to take breaks after a configurable interval (or at fixed times). Displays descriptions and pictures of exercises - pictures are animated and program paces you to help you do exercises at the correct rate. Quite a few exercises, can configure which ones are included to a large extent. One useful feature is that when it is running minimised it shows the time to the next break, helping you plan your work to the next break rather than it coming as an interruption.

The new release, 3.0, is renamed Exercise Break, supports Mac and Windows and should include a DOS version. I have been trying out a beta version and it has some useful features, including Typewatch (no relation to the freeware program ...), which graphs your typing rate over time, with optional warnings to slow down and export facilities for spreadsheet analysis. It also includes a full ergonomic checklist online to help set up your workstation, and a picture of correct posture and workstation adjustment.

An unusual feature is the ability to include your own exercises in the program, providing you have access to a Windows SDK, without programming.


This is the only tool I know of with a redistributable demo that is not just a slide show, so if you do get the demo, post it on your local bulletin boards, FTP servers or BITNET servers! Includes the ability to step backward in the exercise sequence, which is good for repeating the most helpful exercises. Hopefully a number of add-on exercise modules will become available now that it is possible to add exercises.

(Information last checked:  Pending)

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Jonathan Rosanowski



  • Freeware
  • Compatability: Windows

Jonathan has written this freeware program to remind him to take micro-pauses and rest breaks. Try it out and he says to feel free to pass it on if you think it has any value.

Here's the new and improved version. This version is much smaller and includes a number of fixes as outlined in the ReadMe file.

Download OosTimeSetup.exe

(Information last checked:  Aug'01)

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Planet Crafters, Inc.
(404) 740-9821

Plug-In for Windows

  • Compatibility:  Windows
  • Estimated Price:  $20, shareware - three week free trial

This is a Program Manager extension with lots of features, including the ability to display a message box with a message of your own composition, at a configurable time interval. (Presumably based on time elapsed rather than time spent timing).

(Information last checked:  Pending)

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  • Compatibility:  Mac
  • Estimated Price:  $25, trialware

MacBreakZ! is a personal ergonomic assistant which monitors your keyboard and mouse activity and helps you structure your computer use in a healthy manner, which prevents computer-related injuries from developing.

The main applications for MacBreakZ! are:

  • to prevent repetitive strain injuries (RSI) and promote healthy and pain-free computing
  • to aid the recovery from repetitive strain injuries

MacBreakZ! achieves this by:

  • monitoring user activity and suggesting appropriate times for rest and recovery breaks
  • providing a range of stretching exercises designed to relieve muscular tension and improve static posture
  • providing ergonomic information on how to use your computer in a healthy manner

(Information last checked:  Jul'00)

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Richard Donkin


This is a shell script that runs in the background and warns you to stop typing, based on how long you have been continuously typing. It does not provide exercises, but it does check that you really do take a break, and tells you when you can start typing again.

Typewatch now tells you how many minutes you have been typing today, each time it warns you, which is useful so you know how much you *really* type. It also logs information to a file that you can analyse or simply print out. The warning message appears on your screen (in character mode), in a pop-up window (for X Windows), or as a Zephyr message (for those with Athena stuff). Tim Freeman <tsf@cs.cmu.edu> has put in a lot of bug fixes, extra features and support for X, Zephyr and Mach.

If you have updated Typewatch to fix bugs or port it to another version of UNIX, please mail your changed version to richardd@cix.compulink.co.uk, and I will make sure your changes are incorporated into the next release.

(Information last checked:  Pending)

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RSIGuard Software
226 Jeter St.
Santa Cruz, CA 95060


  • Shareware
  • Compatibility: Windows 95/98/NT
  • Available: Direct, free 45-day trial ($40 registration)
RSIGuard was designed by a software engineer experiencing RSI symptoms. Not finding what he wanted in other RSI-related software, he decided to write what he personally needed.

BreakTimer is the most useful break timer available because it models your body's stress and has a much better idea of when you need to take a break.

DataLogger is a complete activity logger that lets you and your health professional monitor how you are using the computer. Stress from typing and mousing are separately stored, as well as typing speed. Hours of work per day as well as how much break time you take is recorded. Using 'RSIGuard Reports', this data can be viewed in graphs over the course of months to watch trends, or verify reductions in work intensity. 

AutoClick is a tool designed to avoid one of the most trauma-causing computer actions—clicking a mouse. AutoClick clicks the mouse for you whenever you stop moving the cursor. 

ForgetMeNots is a behavior modifier based on the Feldenkrais™ method that keeps you aware of your body. ForgetMeNots shows you tips at times of day you specify. It reminds you to be aware of how you're using your body and the computer. Tips are dynamically selected based on how you're working and from a list of tips you select. You can also add your own reminders to the list.

(see website  for more manufacturer product information)

(Information last checked:  Jul'00)

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Ruth Nisenbaum


BackPack for Windows

  • Estimated Price:  $60 (Leave a message at the web site if interested)

BackPack for Windows was developed by a team of physical therapists who were concerned about the large amount of referals which arrive for treatment suffering from computer usage related injuries.

The uniqueness of the program lies in that series of exercises are presented to the computer user as animated pictures, thus exercising every period of time different parts of the body which increases blood flow, avoids injuries and users feel better.

The program also instructs on ergonomic issues and anatomy by which one can better understand the problems and suggested solutions.

(see website  for more manufacturer product information)


The demo program includes only one series of exercises and the full program includes 16 different series of exercises.  We plan to add more exercises in different series and prepare versions typists, managers, etc. The series of exercises were designed by professionals and in each session, several parts of the body are taken care of.

(Information last checked:  Jul'00)

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Steve Kellock
Platforms: NT/Win95

The Reminder

  • Shareware

The Reminder is a great program for those who spend long periods of time at their computer. I try to take breaks every once in a while, but most of the time I just forget! The program is very simple to use. Simply enter the amount of time you want between breaks and the length of the break and away you go. The Reminder will pop up when you should take a break. The Reminder gives you the option to give you an extra 2 minutes to finish up what you are doing before you break. 

NEW!!! Bundled in are over 50 interesting and wild facts that gives you something to talk about while you take that break!  These facts change daily, so you'll always have something new to talk about.


  • Over 50 interesting facts that change daily!
  • Customizable alarm
  • Configurable time settings
  • Unabtrusive display
  • Designed for Windows 95
  • Easy on system resources

(see website  for more manufacturer product information)


lreid@chass.utoronto.ca said:
This is a shareware break program that you might like to add to the TIFAQ software tools list. I find it useful because it is a completely simple time-based program -- since I use voice dictation, I don't need all of the elaborate keystroke analysis tools that these programs seem to come with these days.
- Lynette

(Information last checked:  Jul'00)

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TGS, Inc.
P.O. Box 6332, Moraga, CA. 94570
(510) 376 3522, Fax: (510) 376 3594


  • Compatibility:  Windows 3.x, Windows NT
  • Estimated Price:  $19.95, quantity discounts on multi-license packs. Corporate site licenses and training are available.

(Paraphrased from TGS materials) Relax-A-Bit provides a quick pick-me-up by breaking up stationary body postures. Through a progression of tensing and relaxing major muscle groups, circulation is increased and muscles and other tissues are stimulated. Its exercises have been developed by a Physical Therapist with many years experience dealing with problems resulting from stationary body postures and repetitive motion activities.

Relax-A-Bit notifies you, at periodic intervals during the day, that you set, that it is time for an exercise break. If you are on the phone, you can pause the session until you are ready. Once you acknowledge the notification, Relax-A-Bit displays a window in which each exercise is pictured along with a countdown timer for the exercise and textual help clues for the exercise. If you use all five exercise groups, you will perform twenty-eight different exercises in just a little over five minutes.

You can control the interval between break reminders (based on keystrokes or mouse clicks), the exercises displayed, and the delay between exercises.

(Information last checked:  Pending)

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Thomas Reed's


Coffee Break

Download Coffee Break 3.2.3 (242K)

Download Coffee Break 3.0.1 F (French translation courtesy of Eric Meilhan)

Coffee Break is a simple, Mac-only application designed to help prevent Repetitive Stress Injuries. One of the most important things you should do if you have an RSI or think you're at risk of getting an RSI is to take frequent breaks from your computer. Coffee Break helps to do this by forcing you to take breaks. You can set the length of the break and the amount of time between breaks.

Coffee Break is shareware, and can be purchased for $6 any number of ways, including online via secure SSL transaction. 

(see website  for more manufacturer product information)

(Information last checked:  Jul'00)

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This program warns you to take a break with a flashing X window. Many options control how intrusive the warning is. For instance, it can pop up a new window every 30 seconds, beep a lot, prevent you from iconifying the window, always place itself at the top of the window stack, or even lock the screen (typing a password is necessary to continue). You can program it to escalate is behavior over time, so it becomes harder to ignore.

The graphics are brightly colored, cartoonish pictures of a hand and wrist. Breaks are scheduled via a timer, but it does keep track of whether you've been typing or not.

(Information last checked:  Pending)

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Last Updated: 09/02/01